Using RegressionTables with a Custom Model

RegressionTables.jl is designed to be used with any custom model you create. The easiest way for this to work is to copy the StatsAPI.jl API, if that API is fully implemented then RegressionTables.jl will work out of the box. This page will provide a simple example of this.

The Model

This will setup a simple linear model:

using StatsAPI, RDatasets, RegressionTables, Statistics
df = RDatasets.dataset("plm", "Cigar")
df[!, :intercept] = ones(nrow(df))

struct MyStatsModel <: StatsAPI.RegressionModel

function MyStatsModel(df::DataFrame, lhs::Symbol, rhs::Vector{Symbol})
# an alternative using would be:
#function{MyStatsModel}, lhs::Symbol, rhs::Vector{Symbol}, df::DataFrame)
    df = dropmissing(df, vcat([lhs], rhs))

    X = Matrix(select(df, rhs))
    y = df[:, lhs]

    n, p = size(X)
    β = X \ y
    ŷ = X * β
    res = y - ŷ
    rss = sum(abs2, res)
    tss = sum(abs2, y .- mean(y))
    dof = p
    dof_residual = n - p
    vcov = inv(X'X) * rss / dof_residual
    MyStatsModel(β, vcov, dof, dof_residual, n, rss, tss, string.(rhs), string(lhs))

It is important to link the relevant components from StatsAPI to the model components. This allows RegressionTables to correctly interpret the model. The following is a basic set that allows this package to work, a complete list is available here:

StatsAPI.coef(m::MyStatsModel) = m.coef
StatsAPI.coefnames(m::MyStatsModel) = m.coefnames
StatsAPI.responsename(m::MyStatsModel) = m.responsename
StatsAPI.vcov(m::MyStatsModel) = m.vcov
StatsAPI.dof(m::MyStatsModel) = m.dof
StatsAPI.dof_residual(m::MyStatsModel) = m.dof_residual
StatsAPI.nobs(m::MyStatsModel) = m.nobs
StatsAPI.rss(m::MyStatsModel) = m.rss
StatsAPI.nulldeviance(m::MyStatsModel) = m.tss
StatsAPI.islinear(m::MyStatsModel) = true # this will make the label default to "OLS", set RegressionTables.RegressionType(rr::MyStatsModel) = "My Model"
StatsAPI.deviance(m::MyStatsModel) = StatsAPI.rss(m)
StatsAPI.mss(m::MyStatsModel) = StatsAPI.nulldeviance(m) - StatsAPI.rss(m)
StatsAPI.r2(m::MyStatsModel) = StatsAPI.r2(m, :devianceratio);

This will now work with RegressionTables:

rr1 = MyStatsModel(df, :Sales, [:intercept, :Price, :NDI])
rr2 = MyStatsModel(df, :Sales, [:intercept, :Price])
rr3 = MyStatsModel(df, :Sales, [:intercept, :NDI])
regtable(rr1, rr2, rr3)

                   (1)          (2)          (3)
intercept   138.480***   139.734***   132.981***
               (1.427)      (1.521)      (1.538)
Price        -0.938***    -0.230***             
               (0.054)      (0.019)             
NDI           0.007***                 -0.001***
               (0.000)                   (0.000)
N                1,380        1,380        1,380
R2               0.209        0.097        0.034

Adding a Custom Statistic

One reason to implement a custom regression model is the need for some kind of custom statistic. It is easy to implement these statistics in RegressionTables.

For example, say a custom statistic that is relevant is the sum of all coefficients in a model. First, create a statistic:

struct MyStatistic <: RegressionTables.AbstractRegressionStatistic
    val::Union{Float64, Nothing}

A few extra functions are necessary to make this work. First, if the statistic is called on a different model, it should return a blank line, second, when called on MyStatsModel, it should return the correct value:

MyStatistic(rr::StatsAPI.RegressionModel) = MyStatistic(nothing)
MyStatistic(rr::MyStatsModel) = MyStatistic(sum(StatsAPI.coef(rr)));

It is also useful to provide some label to the statistic:

RegressionTables.label(render::AbstractRenderType, x::Type{MyStatistic}) = "My Statistic";

Now, when creating the table, add that to the list of regression statistics:

regtable(rr1, rr2, rr3; regression_statistics=[Nobs, R2, MyStatistic])

                      (1)          (2)          (3)
intercept      138.480***   139.734***   132.981***
                  (1.427)      (1.521)      (1.538)
Price           -0.938***    -0.230***             
                  (0.054)      (0.019)             
NDI              0.007***                 -0.001***
                  (0.000)                   (0.000)
N                   1,380        1,380        1,380
R2                  0.209        0.097        0.034
My Statistic      137.549      139.505      132.980

It can be inconvenient to constantly define regression_statistics, especially if you find yourself switching between models. RegressionTables provides the flexibility to link statistics to a model so that those statistics are always shown when that model is within a table, but not shown otherwise. To do so, set:

RegressionTables.default_regression_statistics(rr::MyStatsModel) = [Nobs, MyStatistic]
regtable(rr1, rr2, rr3)

                      (1)          (2)          (3)
intercept      138.480***   139.734***   132.981***
                  (1.427)      (1.521)      (1.538)
Price           -0.938***    -0.230***             
                  (0.054)      (0.019)             
NDI              0.007***                 -0.001***
                  (0.000)                   (0.000)
N                   1,380        1,380        1,380
My Statistic      137.549      139.505      132.980